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Birth Doula Support

I hold space and safeguard your birthing environment.

  • 1 h 30 min
  • Price
  • Nicosia | Larnaca | Paphos | Ammochostos | Limassol

Session Info

I support women and couples in the birth choices that are right for them; including VBAC, home birth, medically assisted birth and anything in between. “My role is often emotional, practical and informational, offered unconditionally and without judgement. During labour, I hold space and safeguard your birthing environment so that you can access the birthing wisdom of your body, undisturbed (when unnecessary) and reduce birth trauma for you, your baby and your partner. I am also there for the dad (if applicable) so that he takes a role that he feels comfortable with. I have been working as a doula in Cyprus since 2013. As your body and soul opens to bring life into being, you are always alone (all-one)... but I am there with you whispering, 'Woman I see you’” THIS IS FOR YOU IF​ YOU WANT TO ​ 🌷Feel EMPOWERED and the CENTRE of your own BIRTH 🌷Create an emotionally SAFE​ environment for your birth 🌷Have knowledge of the birthing ‘protocols’ & where you actually have CHOICE 🌷Understand & integrate the GIFTS of your unique journey of Pregnancy & Birth 🌷Minimise psychosomatic birth-trauma for you & your baby 🌷Access the WISDOM of your birthing body & feel SUPPORTED in ‘getting out of your way’ ​​🌷Communicate with your medical care providers in a way that creates healthy team dynamics AND respects your wishes MY DOULA SUPPORT INCLUDES 🧸 The Embodied Birth Course (8-weeks of birth preparation) 🧸 Personalised Coaching 🧸 My non-judgemental support via messages, emails or calls throughout the duration of this journey 🧸 Birth Support - I am with you during labour, delivery and bonding 🧸 3-weeks ‘on call’ period - You can call me anytime if you have signs of birth 🧸 A birth integration session “I support you in remembering that BIRTH is a journey that takes a woman's fears about herself & shows her that she is stronger than them”! You can begin this program after the first trimester

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

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